Can you feel it????

“Experience the ultimate thrill of eclipse season! Nothing else can match the sheer excitement and awe-inspiring phenomenon of this magnificent event!” The icing on the cake is Mercury Retrograde!

“The current astrological phenomenon can be attributed to the effects of metaphysical eclipse energy, combined with Mercury Retrograde and specific planetary alignments.” 

I want to discuss the current energies and how we can harness them to our advantage. These energies are potent, but with the right mindset and techniques, we can effectively work with them to enhance our lives. However, it’s worth noting that their intensity has escalated significantly during the past week, so we must be mindful and proactive in our approach.

Symptoms I’ve been experiencing:

It’s common to experience bouts of fatigue that might make you feel like lying down. Netflix and I have become best friends.

However, it’s interesting to note that if you listen to your body, it may not necessarily need a nap but rather just a little rest. This is not the time to try and push through the fatigue but to take a break and give your body the rest it needs.

Enjoying deep and restful sleep is crucial to our overall well-being and can be incredibly rejuvenating. Despite the challenges many of us face, Let’s prioritize our sleep and make time for this essential aspect of self-care.

I just wanted to give you a heads-up that you might feel a bit hungrier than usual. It’s no biggie, though. It’s just because of the energies we’re integrating. So, listen to your body and treat yourself to something extra if needed. You got this! And remember, it won’t last long.

Hang in there!

Super loud ringing in the ears.

OMG, I call this the train in my brain; it roars 24/7. I have dealt with this condition for 20-plus years, but lately, it has been LOUDER than ever. 

Have you felt a strange sensation lately, as if the ground is moving beneath your feet? It’s not quite dizziness, but something similar. This could be a sign of a significant change happening in the planet’s magnetic field. 

Are you experiencing vivid dreams or struggling to meditate? Dehydration could be the culprit, especially with the scorching heat that many of us are experiencing. Make sure to hydrate yourself properly.

Do you feel overwhelmed and like everything is pointless?

Do you also have moments of gratitude and beauty? 

Do you feel the urge to declutter your living space?

Do you find yourself lost and unsure of your next steps, yet sensing that something big is about to happen?

These are just a few symptoms you might experience during a significant energy shift. Watch for other signs and take care of yourself during this time. Don’t ignore these signals; take steps to ensure your well-being.

So many swings are happening, enough to make you think you are losing your mind. But you are not. We were born for this. 

Grab the bull by its horns!

“Feeling overwhelmed or stressed out? Take a deep breath and remember that there are many things that can help. Spend time in nature, submerge yourself in salt water, and engage in soothing activities that nourish your soul. Focus on supporting your emotional and physical well-being, and try to find the positive aspects of every phase of life. And when you need a break, listen to binary music to help balance your body and promote relaxation. Remember, these small steps can make a big difference in your overall well-being.”

Have faith in the process; every challenge is a stepping stone toward growth and transformation. The physical symptoms accompanying the shift are temporary and indicate that you are evolving. Embrace the uncertainty of the journey, for it allows you to approach life with curiosity and an open mind, enabling you to discover new opportunities and experiences beyond your expectations.

Just close your eyes!

Always remember that the key to living an empowered life, even amid challenging times, is to make your highest choice in every moment.

It may be a minor decision, but it can significantly impact our lives. Let us all refocus on this and prioritize it.

The Power is in the Pause!

Remember, we are in this together, and I send you love and encouragement.

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I express my beliefs poetically while acknowledging their subjectivity and openness to change with greater insight.