​Love is the drug we came here for!

What is the most authentic essence of Love?

Let’s explore the notions and convictions we have formed about Love, and together, let’s discover how they have shaped our understanding and experience of this complex and powerful emotion.

Our society glorifies the concept of Love, presenting it as the ultimate goal. It promotes the idea that an ideal partner exists who will fulfill all our desires, complete us, and love us eternally. Starting from an early age, we are told that our soulmate is waiting for us. Therefore, we long to discover them, to experience true Love, and to be confident that we have made the right choice.

However, the reality is that Love can be perplexing and inscrutable. Knowing if we have made the right decision is only sometimes possible. However, true Love accepts and embraces all uncertainties, regardless of the outcome.

Love is the essence of life itself, but it can often be concealed by distractions, desires, needs, and the search for self-discovery. We think we are lost, but we must look within our heartmind to find the truth.

The essence of who you are is Love. There is nothing outside of yourself that you need to obtain. The only thing that exists outside of you is an opportunity to help you realize your true nature, which is Love. Along with this realization comes the understanding that the law of attraction operates on the principle that like attracts like. There is nothing to see or obtain, only accepting what is true.

Embarking on a journey with someone new can be both exciting and uncertain. Knowing what you seek from the relationship is crucial, but allowing it to develop organically without worrying about the outcome is equally important. Remember to give the relationship the space to thrive and enjoy the ride without getting too caught up in where it’s headed. The journey itself counts, so cherish every moment along the way. It is always a well-traveled road in life.

We need each other to wake up.

Loving someone is recognizing the role they play or have played in your life and honoring that presence.

Sometimes, Love feels like an obligation, but it is one you are willing to fulfill for many reasons. 

Sometimes, it takes hard work, but you are willing to put in that work. 

Love is the constant you hold on to. 

Love is holding onto yourself, believe it or not.

Love is recognizing the ways in which, for better or worse, someone has contributed to your life.

Love is the mirror that reflects back to you–your state of being.

Waking up

Love is a glimpse into ourselves through the actions of another. It can be wild, breathtaking, and sometimes even frustrating. 

For some, just thinking about their significant other gets that warm, fuzzy feeling in the pit of their stomach. You might experience a vibration when you’re near them; it’s like electricity is flowing through your veins!

You feel plugged in.

 Authentic Love is about accepting each other for who they are, not as you wish them to be. True love is accepting yourself. Love can inspire us to be the best version of ourselves, not just for our partners but also for ourselves. And when our partner achieves something great, it’s like we’ve achieved it too – we feel happy for them! 

But it’s not just about the good times. When a partner is hurting, we feel it too – it’s like their pain becomes our pain. Love is a gut feeling that we just know in our bones; it is the unveiling of our true nature, what we are. It’s not perfect, but it fills us up and makes us feel whole. Wakes us up!

You are your soul mate.

A soul mate is an extraordinary person who shares an intimate connection with you on a divine level. They are someone who is so deeply ingrained in your being that they feel like a vital organ living outside of your skin. They radiate warmth and light, like the hottest part of the sun, and serve as a guiding star, always pointing you in the right direction. Your soul mate is your true home, a place of safety and comfort, and the one person who will never abandon you, or be abandoned by you, regardless of the circumstances.

They are worth waiting for because they are the embodiment of perfection, the epitome of all that is good and beautiful. When you look at your soul mate, you see all that is right with the world and think, “OMG… Here I AM”

You have discovered yourself!

D.M. Woodard’s debut book teaches you to love yourself without narcissism. She uses the Law of Attraction and Ho’oponopono to help you find internal love. Her goal is to inspire readers to find greatness within themselves.

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I express my beliefs poetically while acknowledging their subjectivity and openness to change with greater insight.